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Supplement to the Register of Electors – General Election, 2020

17 January 2020

General Election 2020, February. Please be aware of details to be included on Supplement to the Register of Electors.


If you registered to vote after 7 May, 2019 [closing date for inclusion in the Supplement to the Register of Electors published for the Local Elections, 2019] and on or before 25 November, 2019 [closing date for inclusion in the 2020/2021 Draft Register of Electors], your name will be included in the Supplementary Register which will be published for the forthcoming General Election, if eligible.

If you applied to have your address changed and your old and new addresses are within the same Electoral Area, the change of address will not come into effect until 15 February, 2020.  Therefore, you must vote from your old address for the forthcoming General Election, 2020.  You can check your Elector Number and Polling Station online at or by contacting the Register of Electors Section of Clare County Council by telephone (065) 6846216 or by email to .

Closing date for inclusion in the Supplement to the Postal & Special Voters List for the General Election was Thursday, 16 January, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

For those of you who are not registered to vote, the closing date is Wednesday, 22 January, 2020, for receipt of:

  • RFA2 [PDF,139KB] Applications (inclusion in the Supplement to the Register of Electors, 2019/2020)
  • RFA3 [PDF,136KB] Applications (Change of Address)

Page last reviewed: 17/01/20

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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